Thank you to our WordCamp Gold Sponsors

WordCamps wouldn’t be possible without the sponsorship of companies who care about WordPress, and WordCamp Maine is lucky to be supported by some great firms.


Bluehost has been a WordPress partner since 2005 and powers over 1 million WordPress sites worldwide. Their objective is to help customers, whether novice or pro, create a thriving online presence at an affordable price. With a team of in-house tech experts available 24/7, Bluehost dedicates time and resources to providing the best support and services in the industry. Join millions of other site owners and see what Bluehost can do for you and your online presence.


Jetpack is a free WordPress plugin that simplifies managing your sites. This single plugin enables Photon (a global CDN for images), uptime monitoring, brute force protection, traffic-boosting tools, single sign on, multiple-site management, and automatic or bulk plugin updates. Additionally Jetpack includes several features that help you customize the look and feel of your site without installing other tools. More information can be found at


WooCommerce is powered by WordPress and built by WooThemes. The goal of WooCommerce is to allow you to sell anything online – beautifully. You can integrate with payment processors, easily manage shipping methods and inventory, set up flexible tax rules, and view detailed store reports all from your WordPress dashboard.

With hundreds of extensions available, WooCommerce can easily be customized to power all types of online stores. Whether you’re a seasoned professional or just starting out, WooCommerce was built with a focus on ease allowing anyone the ability to sell anything online.

Be sure to stop by the WooCommerce booth to meet the team and learn how they can help you sell online.